MS-55371 Windows Server Administration (dawniej WS-011)

Czas trwania kursu:
5 dni
3399 zł netto
Terminy kursów:


  • omówienie systemu Windows Server 2019, zapoznanie z wersją core
  • omówienie licencjonowania
  • administracja Windows Server – omówienie najlepszych praktyk
  • zapoznanie z narzędziami do administracji: Windows Admin Center, Server Manager, RSAT, Powershell
  • implementacja Active Directory Domain Services
  • zarządzanie poprzez polityki GPO
  • zarządzanie usługami infrastruktury sieciowej (DHCP, DNS, IPAM)
  • zarządzanie magazynem danych (File server, DFS, Storage Spaces, Deduplikacja)
  • Hyper-V: virtualizacja i kontenery w systemie Windows Server
  • klastry: Planujemy i wdrażamy z Windows Server środowiska wysokiej dostępności
  • odzyskiwanie po awarii: backup i replikacja
  • RDS: wdrażanie infrastruktury usług pulpitu zdalnego
  • konfiguracja dostępu zdalnego do serwerów (VPN)
  • IIS: konfiguracja usług sieci web
  • utrzymanie i monitorowanie Windows Server
  • narzędzia do monitorowania wydajności i usług na naszych serwerach (Task Manager, Performace monitor, Resource monitor, Event viewer, Serwer Manager)
  • upgrade a migracja w Windows Server 2019

Marcin Bodzan, Microsoft Certified Trainer


  • Module 1: Windows Server Administration Overview
    Introducing Windows Server
    Windows Server Core Overview
    Windows Server administration principles and tools overview
    Lab: Deploying and configuring Windows Server

  • Module 2: Identity Services in Windows Server
    AD DS Overview
    Deploying Windows Server domain controllers
    Azure AD overview
    Implementing Group Policy
    Active Directory Certificate Services overview
    Lab: Implementing Identity Services and Group Policy

  • Module 3: Network Infrastructure services in Windows Server
    Deploying and managing DHCP
    Deploying and managing DNS service
    Deploying and managing IPAM
    Remote Access Services in Windows Server
    Lab: Implementing and configuring network infrastructure services in Windows Server

  • Module 4: File Servers and Storage management in Windows Server
    Volumes and File Systems in Windows Server
    Implementing sharing in Windows Server
    Implementing Storage Spaces in Windows Server
    Implementing Data Deduplication
    Implementing iSCSI
    Deploying Distributed File System
    Lab: Implementing storage solutions in Windows Server

  • Module 5: Hyper-V virtualization and containers in Windows Server
    Hyper-V in Windows Server
    Configuring VMs
    Securing virtualization in Windows Server
    Containers in Windows Server
    Overview of Kubernetes
    Lab: Implementing and configuring virtualization in Windows Server

  • Module 6: High Availablity in Windows Server
    Planning for failover clustering implementation
    Creating and configuring failover cluster
    Overview of stretch clusters
    High availability and disaster recovery solutions with Hyper-V VMs
    Lab: Implementing failover clustering

  • Module 7: Disaster recovery in Windows Server
    Hyper-V Replica
    Backup and restore infrastructure in Windows Server
    Lab: Implementing Hyper-V Replica and Windows Server Backup

  • Module 8: Windows Server security
    Credentials and privileged access protection
    Hardening Windows Server
    JEA in Windows Server
    Securing and analyzing SMB traffic
    Windows Server update management
    Lab: Configuring security in Windows Server

  • Module 9: RDS in Windows Server
    Overview of RDS
    Configuring a session-based desktop deployment
    Overview of personal and pooled virtual desktops
    Lab: Implementing RDS in Windows Server

  • Module 10: Remote access and web services in Windows Server
    Implementing VPNs
    Implementing Always On VPN
    Implementing NPS
    Implementing Web Server in Windows Server
    Lab: Deploying network workloads

  • Module 11: Server and performance monitoring in Windows Server
    Overview of Windows Server monitoring tools
    Using Performance Monitor
    Monitoring event logs for troubleshooting
    Lab: Monitoring and troubleshooting Windows Server

  • Module 12: Upgrade and migration in Windows Server
    AD DS migration
    Storage Migration Service
    Windows Server migration tools
    Lab: Migrating Server workloads
Formularz zgłoszeniowy

MS-55371 Windows Server Administration (dawniej WS-011)




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Adres biura:
CBSG Polska Spółka z o.o.
ul. Czereśniowa 98
98 02-456 Warszawa