MS-55341 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server (dawniej MS-20740)

Czas trwania kursu:
5 dni
3399 zł netto
Terminy kursów:


  • instalacja, aktualizacja oraz migracja serwerów i zasobów w Windows Server 2016
  • implementacja magazynów lokalnych
  • implementacja rozwiązań do przechowywania danych w przedsiębiorstwie
  • implementacja Storage Spaces oraz deduplikacji danych
  • instalacja i konfiguracja Hyper-V oraz maszyn wirtualnych
  • wdrażanie i zarządzanie kontenerami Hyper-V
  • wprowadzenie do zagadnień wysokiej dostępności oraz odtwarzania po awarii
  • implementacja i zarządzanie klastrami niezawodnościowymi
  • implementacja klastrami niezawodnościowymi maszyn wirtualnych Hyper-V
  • implementacja równoważenia obciążenia sieciowego NLB
  • zarządzanie, monitorowanie i utrzymanie maszyn wirtualnych

Paweł Pławiak, Microsoft Certified Trainer

Tematyka szkolenia pokrywa zagadnienia wymagane na ścieżce MCSA: Windows Server 2016
Dowiedz się więcej o certyfikacjach Microsoft


  • Module 1: Installing, upgrading, and migrating servers and workloads
    Introducing Windows Server
    Preparing and installing Server Core
    Preparing for upgrades and migrations
    Migrating server roles and workloads
    Windows Server activation models
    Lab: Installing and configuring Windows Server

  • Module 2: Configuring local storage
    Managing disks in Windows Server
    Managing volumes in Windows Server
    Lab: Configuring local storage

  • Module 3: Implementing enterprise storage solutions
    Overview of DAS, NAS, and SANs
    Comparing Fibre Channel, iSCSI, and Fibre Channel over Ethernet
    Understanding iSNS, DCB, and MPIO
    Configuring sharing in Windows Server
    Lab: Planning and configuring storage technologies and components

  • Module 4: Implementing Storage Spaces and Data Deduplication
    Implementing Storage Spaces
    Managing Storage Spaces
    Implementing Data Deduplication
    Lab: Implementing Storage Spaces
    Lab: Implementing Data Deduplication

  • Module 5: Installing and configuring Hyper-V and virtual machines
    Overview of Hyper-V
    Installing Hyper-V
    Configuring storage on Hyper-V host servers
    Configuring networking on Hyper-V host servers
    Configuring Hyper-V virtual machines
    Managing virtual machines
    Lab: Installing and configuring Hyper-V

  • Module 6: Deploying and managing containers
    Overview of containers in Windows Server
    Deploying Windows Server and Hyper-V containers
    Installing, configuring, and managing containers by using Docker
    Lab: Installing and configuring containers

  • Module 7: High availability and disaster recovery
    Defining levels of availability
    Planning high availability and disaster recovery solutions with Hyper-V virtual machines
    Backing up and restoring by using Windows Server Backup
    High availability with failover clustering in Windows Server
    Lab: Planning and implementing a high availability and disaster recovery solution

  • Module 8: Implementing failover clustering
    Planning a failover cluster
    Creating and configuring a new failover cluster
    Maintaining a failover cluster
    Troubleshooting a failover cluster
    Implementing site high availability with stretch clustering
    Lab: Implementing failover clustering
    Lab: Managing a failover cluster

  • Module 9: Implementing failover clustering with Windows Server Hyper-V
    Overview of the integration of Hyper-V with failover clustering
    Implementing Hyper-V VMs on failover clusters
    Key features for VMs in a clustered environment
    Lab: Implementing failover clustering with Windows Server Hyper-V

  • Module 10: Implementing Network Load Balancing
    Overview of NLB
    Configuring an NLB cluster
    Planning an NLB implementation
    Lab: Implementing NLB

  • Module 11: Creating and managing deployment images
    Introduction to deployment images
    Creating and managing deployment images by using MDT
    Virtual machine environments for different workloads
    Lab: Using MDT to deploy Windows Server

  • Module 12: Managing, monitoring, and maintaining virtual machine installations
    WSUS overview and deployment options
    Update management process with WSUS
    Overview of Windows PowerShell DSC
    Overview of Windows Server monitoring tools
    Using Performance Monitor
    Monitoring event logs
    Lab: Implementing WSUS and deploying updates
    Lab: Monitoring and troubleshooting Windows Server
Formularz zgłoszeniowy

MS-55341 Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server (dawniej MS-20740)




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CBSG Polska Spółka z o.o.
ul. Czereśniowa 98
98 02-456 Warszawa