MS-55215 SharePoint Online Power User

Czas trwania kursu:
4 dni
2999 zł netto
Terminy kursów:


  • Module 1: An Introduction to SharePoint Online
    Introducing Office 365 and SharePoint
    Getting started with Office 365
    The cloud revolution
    Login to Office 365
    What is Office 365
    Using the app launcher
    What is SharePoint
    Office 365 settings
    Introducing Office 365 Groups
    Ownership and Access
    Lab: Introduction to SharePoint Online

  • Module 2: Creating Sites
    Planning your sites
    Create new subsites
    The Office 365 tenant
    Site templates
    Web addresses
    Apply a them
    Site collections
    Building your navigation
    Create a new site
    Delete subsites
    Team site navigation
    User interface: classic vs modern
    Site contents: classic vs modern
    Where does classic come from?
    Lab: Creating Sites

  • Module 3: Creating and Managing Web Pages
    The types of pages found in SharePoint
    Classic SharePoint pages
    Modern SharePoint pages
    How to use classic team site pages
    Create news and site pages
    Review features of publishing sites
    Web parts
    Save, publish, share and delete pages
    Communication sites
    Lab: Create and Manage Web Pages

  • Module 4: Working with Apps
    An introduction to apps
    Marketplace apps
    Check In – Out
    Adding apps to a site
    Edit and view file properties
    Create and manage columns
    Quick edit view
    Public and personal views
    File commands
    Managing app settings
    Copy link and Share
    Content approval
    Major and minor versioning
    The recycle bin
    Document sets
    Working with files in a library
    OneDrive sync
    Create, Upload and edit files
    Working with classic lists
    Lab: Working with Apps

  • Module 5: Building processes with Flow and PowerApps
    What are business processes?
    Design and publish a Flow
    Classic tools for designing processes
    Getting started with PowerApps in SharePoint
    Design and test a classic workflow
    Enhance data capture with PowerApps
    Getting started with Flow in SharePoint
    Test a Flow and PowerApps enriched list
    Lab: Building processes with Flow and PowerApps

  • Module 6: Customising Security
    Office 365 Group access
    Share a file
    Updating Office 365 Group Security
    Remove a user
    Managing access to SharePoint
    Customizing SharePoint security
    New sites private vs public
    Create permission levels and groups
    Setup access requests
    Security inheritance
    Share a site
    Security best practices
    Lab: Customising Security

  • Module 7: Working with Search
    Search tips
    An introduction to SharePoint search
    Accessing classic search
    Search in folders, libraries and sites
    Promoted results
    Search results
    Lab: Customising Security

  • Module 8: Enterprise Content Management
    Managed metadata service
    Information management policies
    An introduction to content types
    The records center
    Create and manage content type
    In-place records management
    Deploy content types
    The content organizer
    Using content types in apps
    Durable links
    The content type hub
    Lab: Social
Formularz zgłoszeniowy

MS-55215 SharePoint Online Power User




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Adres biura:
CBSG Polska Spółka z o.o.
ul. Czereśniowa 98
98 02-456 Warszawa