MS-55200 SharePoint 2016 Power User Training

Czas trwania kursu:
2 dni
1999 zł netto
Terminy kursów:


  • tworzenie workflow przy pomocy aplikacji SharePoint Designer
  • zastosowanie i konfiguracja wbudowanych obiegów
  • wykorzystania Magazynu Terminów i zarządzanych metadanych
  • implementacja identyfikatorów dokumentów
  • wykorzystanie funkcji publikowania
  • tworzenie zestawów dokumentów
  • konfiguracja nawigacji zależnej od metadanych
  • tworzenie zewnętrznych typów zawartości
  • tworzenie i konfiguracja polis
    Łukasz Falaciński, Microsoft Certified Trainer


  • Module 1: Content Approval
    Enabling Content Approval
    Content Approval Workflows
    Lab: Content Approval

  • Module 2: Creating Custom Workflows with SharePoint Designer 2013
    Workflow Basics
    Custom List Workflows
    Workflow Actions
    Workflow Conditions
    Workflow Initiation Form
    Resusable Workflows
    Lab: Creating Custom Workflows with SharePoint Designer 2016

  • Module 3: Working with Managed Metadata
    Creating a Term Store Group and Term Set
    Creating Metadata Columns in Lists and Libraries
    Publishing Content Types
    Lab: Working with Managed Metadata

  • Module 4: Business Connectivity Services
    Business Connectivity Service Basics
    Creating an External Content Type iwth SharePoint Designer
    Creating a List from an External Content Type
    Lab: Business Connectivity Services

  • Module 5: Information Management Policy
    Information Management Policy Basics
    Defining Information Policy for a Content Type
    Defining Information Policy for a List
    Lab: Information Management Policy

  • Module 6: Content Organizer
    Activating the Content Organizer Feature
    Configuring Content Organizer Settings
    Confiugring conetnt Organizer Rules
    Lab: Content Organizer

  • Module 7: Document ID Service
    Activating the Document ID Feature
    Configuring Document ID Settings
    Linking Documents Using Their Document ID
    Lab: Document ID Service

  • Module 8: Document Sets
    Activating the Document Sets Feature
    Creating a Document Set Content Type
    Adding a Document Set Content Type of a Library
    Lab: Document Sets

  • Module 9: SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure
    Activating the SharPoint Server Publishing Infrastructure
    Publishing Infrastructure Basics
    Creating Pages wiht Page Layouts
    Lab: SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure

  • Module 10: Configuring and Consuming Site Search Results
    Search SharePoint for Content
    SharePoint Search Center
    Lab: Configuring and Consuming Site Search Results
Formularz zgłoszeniowy

MS-55200 SharePoint 2016 Power User Training




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Adres biura:
CBSG Polska Spółka z o.o.
ul. Czereśniowa 98
98 02-456 Warszawa