MS-55165 Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2016

Czas trwania kursu:
1 dzień
799 zł netto
Terminy kursów:


  • Tworzenie podstawowych arkuszy.
  • Wykonywanie obliczeń w arkuszu.
  • Modyfikowanie arkusza.
  • Zmiana wyglądu danych w obrębie arkusza.
  • Zarządzanie skoroszytami.
  • Drukowanie zawartości arkusza.
  • Przydatne funkcje wprowadzone w Excel 2016.

Paweł Kiraga, Microsoft Certified Trainer

Tematyka szkolenia pokrywa zagadnienia wymagane na ścieżkach: MOS: Excel 2016, MOE: Excel Expert 201, MOM: 2016 Master


  • Module 1: Creating a Microsoft Excel Workbook
    Starting Microsoft Excel
    Creating a Workbook
    Saving a Workbook
    The Status Bar
    Adding and Deleting Worksheets
    Copying and Moving Worksheets
    Changing the Order of Worksheets
    Splitting the Worksheet Window
    Closing a Workbook
    Lab: Creating a Microsoft Excel Workbook

  • Module 2: The Ribbon
    Lab: Exploring the Ribbon

  • Module 3: The Backstage View (The File Menu)
    Introduction to the Backstage View
    Opening a Workbook
    New Workbooks and Excel Templates
    Printing Worksheets
    Adding Your Name to Microsoft Excel
    Managing Workbook Versions
    Lab: The Backstage View (The File Menu)

  • Module 4: The Quick Access Toolbar
    Adding Common Commands
    Adding Additional Commands with the Customize Dialog Box
    Adding Ribbon Commands or Groups
    Lab: The Quick Access Toolbar

  • Module 5: Entering Data in Microsoft Excel Worksheets
    Entering Text
    Expand Data across Columns
    Adding and Deleting Cells
    Adding an Outline
    Adding a Hyperlink
    Add WordArt to a Worksheet
    Using AutoComplete
    Entering Numbers and Dates
    Using the Fill Handle
    Lab: Entering Data in Microsoft Excel Worksheets

  • Module 6: Formatting Microsoft Excel Worksheets
    Hiding Worksheets
    Adding Color to Worksheet Tabs
    Adding Themes to Workbooks
    Adding a Watermark
    The Font Group
    The Alignment Group
    The Number Group
    Lab: Formatting Microsoft Excel Worksheet

  • Module 7: Using Formulas in Microsoft Excel
    Math Operators and the Order of Operations
    Entering Formulas
    AutoSum (and Other Common Auto-Formulas)
    Copying Formulas and Functions
    Relative, Absolute, and Mixed Cell References
    Lab: Using Formulas in Microsoft Excel

  • Module 8: Working with Rows and Columns
    Insert lesson titles in a bulleted list.
    Inserting Rows and Columns
    Deleting Rows and Columns
    Transposing Rows and Columns
    Setting Row Height and Column Width
    Hiding and Unhiding Rows and Columns
    Freezing Panes
    Lab: Working with Rows and Columns

  • Module 9: Editing Worksheets
    Find and Replace
    Using the Clipboard
    Managing Comments
    Lab: Editing Worksheets

  • Module 10: Finalizing Microsoft Excel Worksheets
    Setting Margins
    Setting Page Orientation
    Setting the Print Area
    Print Scaling (Fit Sheet on One Page)
    Printing Headings on Each Page/Repeating Headers and Footers
    Headers and Footers
    Lab: Finalizing Microsoft Excel Worksheets

  • Module 11: Microsoft Excel Features that Were New in 2013
    One Workbook Per Window Feature
    Using Flash Fill
    Lab: Microsoft Excel Features that Were New in 2013

  • Module 12: Features New in 2016
    Tell Me
    Smart Lookup
Formularz zgłoszeniowy

MS-55165 Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2016




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