AZ-303 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies

Czas trwania kursu:
5 dni
3399 zł netto
Terminy kursów:


  • Module 1: Implement Azure Active Directory
    Overview of Azure Active Directory
    Users and Groups
    Domains and Custom Domains
    Azure AD Identity Protection
    Implement Conditional Access
    Configure Fraud Alerts for MFA
    Implement Bypass Options
    Configure Guest Users in Azure AD
    Configure Trusted IPs
    Manage Multiple Directories

  • Module 2: Implement and Manage Hybrid Identities
    Install and Configure Azure AD Connect
    Configure Password Sync and Password Writeback
    Configure Azure AD Connect Health

  • Module 3: Implement Virtual Networking
    Virtual Network Peering
    Implement VNet Peering

  • Module 4: Implement VMs for Windows and Linux
    Select Virtual Machine Size
    Configure High Availability
    Implement Azure Dedicated Hosts
    Deploy and Configure Scale Sets
    Configure Azure Disk Encryption

  • Module 5: Implement Load Balancing and Network Security
    Implement Azure Load Balancer
    Implement an Application Gateway
    Understand Web Application Firewall
    Implement Azure Firewall
    Implement Azure Front Door
    Implementing Azure Traffic Manager
    Implement Network Security Groups and Application Security Groups
    Implement Azure Bastion
    Lab : Implementing Highly Available Azure IaaS Compute Architecture

  • Module 6: Implement Storage Accounts
    Storage Accounts
    Blob Storage
    Storage Security
    Managing Storage
    Accessing Blobs and Queues using AAD
    Lab : Implementing and Configuring Azure Storage File and Blob Services

  • Module 7: Implement NoSQL Databases
    Configure Storage Account Tables
    Select Appropriate CosmosDB APIs

  • Module 8: Implement Azure SQL Databases
    Configure Azure SQL Database Settings
    Implement Azure SQL Database Managed Instances
    High-Availability and Azure SQL Database
    In this module, you will learn how to
    Create an Azure SQL Database (single database)
    Create an Azure SQL Database Managed Instance
    Recommend high-availability architectural models used in Azure SQL Database

  • Module 9: Automate Deployment and Configuration of Resources
    Azure Resource Manager Templates
    Save a Template for a VM
    Evaluate Location of New Resources
    Configure a Virtual Hard Disk Template
    Deploy from a template
    Create and Execute an Automation Runbook

  • Module 10: Implement and Manage Azure Governance
    Create Management Groups, Subscriptions, and Resource Groups
    Overview of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
    Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Roles
    Azure AD Access Reviews
    Implement and Configure an Azure Policy
    Azure Blueprints
    Lab : Implementing and Configuring Azure Storage File and Blob Services
    Lab : Managing Azure Role-Based Access Control

  • Module 11: Manage Security for Applications
    Azure Key Vault
    Azure Managed Identity

  • Module 12: Manage Workloads in Azure
    Migrate Workloads using Azure Migrate
    VMware – Agentless Migration
    VMware – Agent-Based Migration
    Implement Azure Backup
    Azure to Azure Site Recovery
    Implement Azure Update Management
    Lab : Protecting Hyper-V VMs by using Azure Site Recovery

  • Module 13: Implement Container-Based Applications
    Azure Container Instances
    Configure Azure Kubernetes Service

  • Module 14: Implement an Application Infrastructure
    Create and Configure Azure App Service
    Create an App Service Web App for Containers
    Create and Configure an App Service Plan
    Configure Networking for an App Service
    Create and Manage Deployment Slots
    Implement Logic Apps
    Implement Azure Functions
    Lab : Configuring a Message-Based Integration Architecture
    Lab : Implementing an Azure App Service Web App with a Staging Slot

  • Module 15: Implement Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring
    Azure Infrastructure Security Monitoring
    Azure Monitor
    Azure Workbooks
    Azure Alerts
    Log Analytics
    Network Watcher
    Azure Service Health
    Monitor Azure Costs
    Azure Application Insights
    Unified Monitoring in Azure
Formularz zgłoszeniowy

AZ-303 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies




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CBSG Polska Spółka z o.o.
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98 02-456 Warszawa