AZ-204 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure

Czas trwania kursu:
5 dni
3399 zł netto
Terminy kursów:


  • Module 1: Create Azure App Service web apps
    Explore Azure App Service
    Configure web app settings
    Scale apps in Azure App Service
    Explore Azure App Service deployment slots

  • Module 2: Implement Azure functions
    Explore Azure Functions
    Develop Azure Functions
    Implement Durable Functions

  • Module 3: Develop solutions that use Blob storage
    Explore Azure Blob storage
    Manage the Azure Blob storage lifecycle
    Work with Azure Blob storage

  • Module 4: Develop solutions that use Azure Cosmos DB
    Explore Azure Cosmos DB
    Implement partitioning in Azure Cosmos DB
    Work with Azure Cosmos DB

  • Module 5: Implement infrastructure as a service solutions
    Provision virtual machines in Azure
    Create and deploy Azure Resource Manager templates
    Manage container images in Azure Container Registry
    Run container images in Azure Container Instances

  • Module 6: Implement user authentication and authorization
    Explore the Microsoft identity platform
    Implement authentication by using the Microsoft Authentication Library
    Implement shared access signatures
    Explore Microsoft Graph

  • Module 7: Implement secure cloud solutions
    Implement Azure Key Vault
    Implement managed identities
    Implement Azure App Configuration

  • Module 8: Implement API Management
    Explore API Management

  • Module 9: Develop event-based solutions
    Explore Azure Event Grid
    Explore Azure Event Hubs

  • Module 10: Develop message-based solutions
    Discover Azure message queues

  • Module 11: Instrument solutions to support monitoring and logging
    Monitor app performance

  • Module 12 : Integrate caching and content delivery within solutions
    Develop for Azure Cache for Redis
    Develop for storage on CDNs
Formularz zgłoszeniowy

AZ-204 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure




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Adres biura:
CBSG Polska Spółka z o.o.
ul. Czereśniowa 98
98 02-456 Warszawa