AZ-030 Microsoft Azure technologies for AWS architects

Czas trwania kursu:
4 dni
2999 zł netto
Terminy kursów:


  • Module 1: Introduction to Azure
    Subscriptions and accounts
    Resource groups and templates in Azure Resource Manager

  • Module 2: Azure global infrastructure
    Azure regions
    Azure Availability Zones
    Comparison with AWS

  • Module 3: Implement Azure Active Directory
    Introduction to Azure Active Directory
    Domains and custom domains
    Safety features
    Guest users in Azure Active Directory
    Manage multiple directories
    Comparison with AWS

  • Module 4: Implement and manage hybrid identities
    Introduction to Azure AD Connect
    Comparison with AWS

  • Module 5: Implement virtual networking
    Azure Virtual Network and VNet peering
    VPN and ExpressRoute connections
    Comparison with AWS

  • Module 6: Implement VMs for Windows and Linux
    Configure high availability
    Comparison with AWS

  • Module 7: Implement load balancing and network security
    Implement Azure Load Balancer
    Implement an Azure Application Gateway
    Implement Azure Firewall
    Implement network security groups and application security groups
    Comparison with AWS

  • Module 8: Implement container-based applications
    Configure Azure Kubernetes Service
    Publish a solution on an Azure Container Instance
    Comparison with AWS

  • Module 9: Implement an application infrastructure
    Create an App Service plan
    Create and configure Azure App Service
    Configure networking for an App Service
    Introduction to Logic Apps and Azure Functions
    Comparison with AWS

  • Module 10: Implement storage accounts
    Azure Storage core concepts
    Managing the Azure Blob storage lifecycle
    Working with Azure Blob storage
    Comparison with AWS

  • Module 11: Implement NoSQL databases
    Introduction to Azure Cosmos DB
    Select appropriate CosmosDB APIs
    Set up replicas in CosmosDB
    Comparison with AWS DynamoDB

  • Module 12: Implement Azure SQL databases
    Configure Azure SQL database settings
    Implement Azure SQL Database managed instances
    Configure high availability for an Azure SQL database
    Comparison with AWS

  • Module 13: Implement cloud infrastructure monitoring
    Monitor security
    Monitor cost
    Configure a Log Analytics workspace
    Comparison with AWS

  • Module 14: Implement and manage Azure governance solutions
    Assign RBAC roles
    Configure management access to Azure
    Implement and configure an Azure Policy
    Comparison with AWS

  • Module 15: Manage security for applications
    Implement Azure Key Vault
    Implement and configure Azure AD Managed Identities
    Register and manage applications in Azure AD
    Comparison with AWS

  • Module 16: Migration, backup, and disaster recovery management
    Migrate workloads
    Implement Azure Backup for VMs
    Implement disaster recovery
    Comparison with AWS
Formularz zgłoszeniowy

AZ-030 Microsoft Azure technologies for AWS architects




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Adres biura:
CBSG Polska Spółka z o.o.
ul. Czereśniowa 98
98 02-456 Warszawa