MS-55166 Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2016

Czas trwania kursu:
1 dzień
799 zł netto
Terminy kursów:


  • Korzystanie z formuł i funkcji.
  • Tworzenie i modyfikowanie wykresów.
  • Konwersja, sortowanie, filtrowanie i zarządzanie listami.
  • Wstawianie i modyfikowanie ilustracji.
  • Praca z tabelami.
  • Wykorzystanie formatowania warunkowego oraz stylów.

Paweł Kiraga, Microsoft Certified Trainer

Tematyka szkolenia pokrywa zagadnienia wymagane na ścieżkach MOS: Excel 2016, MOE: Excel Expert 2016, MOM: 2016 Master


  • Module 1: Advanced Formulas
    Using Named Ranges in Formulas
    Naming a Single Cell
    Naming a Range of Cells
    Naming Multiple Single Cells Quickly
    Using Formulas That Span Multiple Worksheets
    Using the IF Function
    Using AND/OR Functions
    Using the SUMIF, AVERAGEIF, and COUNTIF Functions
    Using the PMT Function
    Using the LOOKUP Function
    Using the VLOOKUP Function
    Using the HLOOKUP Function
    Using the CONCATENATE Function
    Using the TRANSPOSE Function
    Using the PROPER, UPPER, and LOWER Functions
    The UPPER Function
    The LOWER function
    The TRIM Function
    Using the LEFT, RIGHT, and MID Functions
    The MID Function
    Using Date Functions
    Using the NOW and TODAY Functions
    Creating Scenarios
    Utilize the Watch Window
    Consolidate Data
    Enable Iterative Calculations
    What-If Analyses
    Use the Scenario Manager
    Use Financial Functions
    Lab: Advanced Formulas

  • Module 2: Working with Lists
    Converting a List to a Table
    Removing Duplicates from a List
    Sorting Data in a List
    Filtering Data in a List
    Adding Subtotals to a List
    Grouping and Ungrouping Data in a List
    Lab: Working with Lists

  • Module 3: Working with Illustrations
    Working with Clip Art
    Using Shapes
    Working with SmartArt
    Lab: Working with Illustrations

  • Module 4: Visualizing Your Data
    Creating a Custom Chart Template
    Inserting Charts
    Add and Format Objects
    Insert a Text Box
    Create a Custom Chart Template
    Lab: Visualizing Your Data

  • Module 5: Working with Tables
    Format Data as a Table
    Move between Tables and Ranges
    Modify Tables
    Define Titles
    Lab: Working with Tables

  • Module 6: Advanced Formatting
    Applying Conditional Formatting
    Working with Styles
    Creating and Modifying Templates
    Lab: Advanced Formatting

  • Module 7: Microsoft Excel Features that Were New in 2013
    New Functions in Excel 2013
    Using New Chart Tools
    Using the Quick Analysis Tool
    Using the Chart Recommendation Feature
    Lab: Microsoft Excel Features that Were New in 2013

  • Module 8: Features New in 2016
    New Charts
    Box and Whisker
Formularz zgłoszeniowy

MS-55166 Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2016




Zgłoszenie wysłane z sukcesem !
Coś poszło nie tak! Zglosznie nie zostało wysłane.

W przypadku nie otrzymania potwierdzenia prosimy o kontakt:

Adres biura:
CBSG Polska Spółka z o.o.
ul. Czereśniowa 98
98 02-456 Warszawa